[View 31+] Barock Malerei Portrait
View Images Library Photos and Pictures. Buch vs. Film: Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING By Johannes Vermeer Sometimes referred as "The Dutch Mona Lisa", Girl with a Pearl Ear-ring is a portrait of a girl depicted by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. It was painted around 1665, when portraying just a head was not considered as a portrait. In his time, Johannes Vermeer couldn't sell the painting for much, but today, it's one of the most admired paintings in art-world. In present time, we can find it at Mauritshuis gallery in The Hague.

. Madame Bergeret - Francois Boucher The Toilet - Eva Gonzales
um 1662

Buch vs. Film: Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring
Gerahmtes Poster „Double Portrait of Marie Serre, the Artist's Mother, 1695" von Hyacinthe Francois Rigaud, Kunstdruck East Urban Home Größe: Groß
Peter Paul Rubens | Selbstporträt - Self Portrait | © Albertina, Wien
Portrait of a Woman - Giovanni Battista Gaulli
GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING By Johannes Vermeer Sometimes referred as "The Dutch Mona Lisa", Girl with a Pearl Ear-ring is a portrait of a girl depicted by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. It was painted around 1665, when portraying just a head was not considered as a portrait. In his time, Johannes Vermeer couldn't sell the painting for much, but today, it's one of the most admired paintings in art-world. In present time, we can find it at Mauritshuis gallery in The Hague.
Madame Bergeret - Francois Boucher
Jan Vermeer "Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring". Jan Vermeer van Delft war einer der bekanntesten holländischen Maler des Barock. #vermeer #barock #dasmädchenmitdemperlenohrring
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