[Get 18+] Antena Delta Loop Para 40 Metros
View Images Library Photos and Pictures. Alpha Antenna 10-80M Alpha Loop Tripod & Bag - 100W 40m Delta Loop

. My garden is too small for a full size Delta Loop, but this is a small antenna for 40 Meter DX with a low radiation angle Half Loop Antenna for the 80-, 40,- 20,- and 15-meter Bands_p58
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Build a multi-band vertical antenna for HF
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A simple solution for a 1:1 unun. The tone in the article is a little much, but he has some great points, do's/don'ts, and best practices.
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Antenne HF da balcone - Benvenuti su OfficinaHF!
My garden is too small for a full size Delta Loop, but this is a small antenna for 40 Meter DX with a low radiation angle
Alpha Antenna 10-80M Alpha Loop Tripod & Bag - 100W
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